Sunday 5 May 2024

We've made it to May

Wow!!  Good morning folks what a merry-go-round April seems to have been.  So much happened and there is so much to share.  First of all, for the first time in all these years of Blogging I am typing on a laptop, whoop, whoop.  Someone in  the family was blessed with a laptop and in turn blessed me with theirs.  it does take some getting used to after such a long time and every now and then I find myself touching the screen to move the cursor haha.

Where to start ? first of all winter is still on her way, despite a couple of threats and cooler, shorter days.  I guess one can't hurry autumn along.  I am not really complaining though, anything for less heat.  I did read yesterday that the wind gusts in Kleinmond were 123 kmph, so that is quite a good indication of winter.

The very BIG news, that I have been absolutely bursting to share is that our family is growing by one new member.  After 21 years we are getting ready to welcome a Baby Bear into the family.  We all found out as a family before Christmas and it has been one of the hardest secrets for me to keep hehe.  The Bears made their announcement during this past month and so, ta-da ... there is a precious little person arriving in the middle of August.  When I have mentioned over the past few months, that I am knitting, it has been booties and little jerseys.  Being me, over the years I kept a lot of baby clothes, the kids soft toys etc., and was able to put  most of BigBear's things aside and pass them over for the new arrival.  Mom and Dad are understandably beyond proud and excited and both Mom and Baby are doing very well.  At long last Princess is getting her desire to have a Cousin, everyone else gets to be Aunts, Uncle and for us Granny and Grandpa.  I tell you folks, the excitement is real.

The rest of the family are all, currently, well.  I say currently because our entire household was down last week with the flu.  Princess has had it on and off, the Bears have also had their turn.  It is not pleasant folks, so double up on the vitamins, smoothies and healthy choices. Hubby was the last to get it and the first to get better.  Yesterday was the first day I felt close to being better and JB who started it, is still not 100%.  I think I mentioned last month that Hubby has resumed his radio controlled sailing and is a very happy chappy.  The local group get together at one of the lakes here as often as possible, in Betty's Bay and then the larger group from Cape Town meet at different places to sail, all contingent on our delightfully, unpredictable wind.  Yesterday they sailed at an alligator farm near Paarl.  Poppet started her new job at the beginning of the month and despite the commute is absolutely loving it.  Big Guy is in the final throes of tying up a very big contract he has been working on for well over a year.  Big Bear enjoyed his trip to the USA, although I haven't had enough time with him to hear all the ins and outs.  He did say that his favourite place was New York.  Princess and I had a lovely face time call yesterday and, apart from looking tired she is doing really well and thoroughly enjoying her chosen subjects.  I had no clue that the work load for First Years was anywhere near as intense as it is. She never seems to stop.

Work wise it has been busy with an ever changing selection of things to alter, fix, make etc.  I really had no idea how much I would enjoy doing this as each item that comes in is a different challenge, plus I am meeting so many wonderful people.  I have been very grateful to God that somehow when I am having a bad Fibro week it almost always coincides with a quiet work week.

My first 6 monthly check up was during April as well, which was a small milestone.  I did not make the appointment with my Oncologist but rather with my Breast Surgeon as I have not been entirely happy with the communication lines with the Oncologist.  She sends me for tests etc but I have to nag and nag for the results which inevitably come through her secretary.  All three of my Doctors work as a team, so I did not want to cause a problem. Thankfully my Surgeon was my first point of contact and I have a very good relationship with her and could explain my frustration.  She totally understood and did a thorough examination, she also aspirated two lumps which were just fatty lumps, Praise God.  All the tests came back clean and good.  I have to go for all the annual MRI, Mammogram, Sonar and, and in June and she has already set the date for it all.  so, yaay, I am good and healthy and will stay on 6 monthly checks.

This past weekend I picked up my colouring pencils for the first time in I don't know how long.  With working and all the knitting I barely get to my Diamond Dot paintings, much less any other hobbies, but I just felt the desire to be quiet and creative.  It was wonderful, I had forgotten how calming it is.

Well folks, in a brief but full nutshell, that is all my news for now.  Have a wonderful week, may the month of May be especially good to you. Stay safe and well.  Ciao Ciao.

For a tiny pair of feet already walking all over our hearts.

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