Monday 6 February 2023

February is a new 'year'

 Good morning everyone, now that the 52 weeks of January are behind us, I am looking forward to what February will bring to the party. At this point it is not looking any quieter than the 'year of January.' Truly I have never known a longer month (not financialy) but good grief how much can fit into one month?

Let me start with the happy news that Princess passed her Matric with a Bachelors pass.  Well done my angel, it was one of the most difficult years and times to be writing and YOU  did it! We are so very proud of you. As most of you will remember, Princess had surgery to repair the inner miniscus of her knee in June and then the day they moved, she bent down to rescue a gecko and her leg brace snapped, as well as the repaired miniscus and the outer miniscus.  She has been in constant pain since then, which also limited all her holiday plans.  During the holidays she also managed to injure one of the lower vertebrae in her back.  So ... three weeks ago she was back in theatre for a major repair this time.  We sat with Poppet and McNab and when the poor  surgeon came out he looked like he'd been in the wrestling ring. The op was successful and she starts her recovery all over again with a much stronger, rigid brace. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Like daughter, like mother. In December, Poppet missed a bottom step and hurt her foot which everyone thought was a bad sprain.  Eventually, 5 weeks later, in the midst of Princess' Dr's visits their GP asked what was wrong and sent her for xrays.  She has fractured the seisamoid bones on her big toe and 2nd toe and is now, 6 weeks later in a boot. To say they look a sight with crutches, brace and boot is putting it mildly. 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Happily the rest of the family are on the whole well. It seems that for us all, the year exploded with a bang and has been super busy. Hubby had a medical procedure (non invasive) two weeks after Princess and thank the Lord that all came back clean and healthy. I went into this year knowing I faced a barrage of new tests and Dr's but thought it would pace out through the year.  Apparently not. I've already seen an Ortho Surgeon who was a bit shocked at the degree my shoulders have frozen (they are at least 35 % better than they were) and he has scheduled me for Manipulation under Anaesthetic for the 17th Feb, where he will manipulate them both to 'break' the frozen muscles.  I'm seeing another Specialist this afternoon for his set of tests. Then I still have to have a Colonoscopy.  I am praying that once I can get all this behind me I can then book my next reconstruction  surgery and start to live a more normal life.

Deck news - it is FINISHED! Praise the Lord and thank you Hubby dearest. Last week, Jelly bean and I painted the benches (3 coats); the cushions are, as I type, being made and should be ready in a day or two.  Once they are in I will make a final decision on the curtains and scatter cushions. There is still the cupboard to build next to the braai; and on the window side instead of a general cupboard, Hubby is going to build me a craft cupboard/desk. Somewhere I can paint, do my diamond dot art etc. This is a new idea and I am super excited about having my own little corner. 
My first Diamond art is finished; I'm  just waiting to frame it. I have started my 2nd which is a night scene of Table Mountain, the city and the bay.  Whoop whoop! There are still a ton of projects waiting but it has just been sooo busy and a lot of travelling in and out to Somerset West.

Last week I was asked if I could nurse an injured kitten and said yes. Suddenly, Jelly Bean absolutely had a fit about it, which I couldn't understand, so I ended up saying no. Sadly, the precious baby didn't make it through the night anyway. I was still completely stymied at JB's reaction though. I knew we had a family lunch planned for yesterday at the Girls' house. Well, on Friday I did my nails then was busy doing JB's when a received a video call from Big Guy, unusual. So, straight away I asked what was wrong.  Nothing, he had just finished work etc.  The next minute he got out of the car and I realised he was at our gate. OK, yes, I lost it.  I was SOO excited as we haven't seen him since I came out of hospital.  He had planned this surprise built into a business trip, with his siblings and I had no idea whatsoever.  This explainedJelly Bean's reaction to me nursing a sick kitten (whew) lol.  Hence the family lunch as well.  Oh my what a weekend we have had.  We caught up, relaxed, chatted, laughed and it was so good.  On Saturday we went into Hermanus for lunch overlooking the sea, which was a special treat and then yesterday we were all together and it was incredible.  My heart is full, my hug tank is full, I am happy.  Last night and tonight he is with the Bears due to business meetings and accessibility before flying back tomorrow. 

As we drove over Sir Lowrys Pass this morning, I looked out at the Cape Flats and the Peninsula and had a warm feeling knowing all my 'chickens' were in that space. 
In December we had a very intense rain storm which washed away part of our beloved Clarence Drive.  It has had two stop/goes on it since then as they have worked on it.  Now they have closed it from today until the 21st between 8 am and 18.00. Which means we have to do the great trek to get to Somerset West. Through Kleinmond, round the other side of the mountain, past Bot Rivier and Grabouw, then Sir Lowrys Pass down into SW.  Sheesh it takes a long time 😂😂.  We brought Princess home with us to visit for a few days, so happy Granny. 

Yesterday on our way into town we saw the funniest thing. There is a fair sized, very popular tidal pool along Clarence Drive.  The sea was choppy and it was misty but, there sat two guys fishing IN the tidal pool.  Not an every day sight hahaha.

Well folks, if this Blog sounds a bit all over the place, that's what my life is like at the moment.  This was just a very general overview of the last few weeks.
I pray that February is kind and that you all stay well and safe .  Ciao ciao for now.

Photo credits T-J B aka Princess

2 good feet/legs between them.

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