Sunday 20 June 2021

Please winter come back

Good morning everyone from a winterless Bettys Bay, we are still eagerly watching the horizon for signs of winter, there are two cold fronts predicted for this week but, well ......... we are hoping and praying. This past week has been a continuation of short sleeves etc, even the girls said yesterday "where is this winter we were promised ?"

It was a fairly quiet week as they go, mostly because last Saturday I hurt my back coming out of the restaurant, with heat it was almost ok and then we had to go into Kleinmond on Tuesday, I took Charlie in his new sling and that was a bad, bad idea. I spent the rest of the week 'attached' to my heating pad and a hot water bottle, thank the Lord it is feeling much better. At the same time my tummy decided to prove to me (yet again) and the Doctor that I cannot take anti-inflammatories, it is now confirmed beyond a doubt hehe. On Friday Jelly Bean and I took a quick trip into town again but this was a minimalist trip and we left Charlie at home, very unhappy little dog when I do that. The Vet has prescribed medication for his feet as they get so itchy that he has chewed and licked just about all the fur off them, I'm really praying these will help and he can be comfortable. 

Hubby has installed some more glass along the top of the deck and still has a constant stream of clocks and watches coming in which is really awesome. One gent gave him parts of two clocks which were similar, Anniversary Clocks, this means they only get wound once every a year. Clever man that he is he fixed the one perfectly and the owner did not want the rest of the parts back so he has rebuilt the second Anniversary Clock for us. After much fiddling and attention it is now running perfectly and is really gorgeous, all we are looking for now is a glass dome to fit over it 👀. He also received a clock which someone built from a kit which has never run correctly. Eventually he figured out that the problem was that the weights were too light so, no problem he went and bought some lead which he then melted and cast into the correct size and weight, voila the clock is running and keeping perfect time. I am so proud of him and the way he has taught himself such a finicky trade. 

As most of you know I am on a quest to discover good Gluten Free recipes and substitutes - I had purchased a different brand of All purpose GF flour during the month and decided to make some biscuits with it, so Thursday was baking day and true to form Zeepha was my Sous Chef, I should really get her a little chef's hat. Anyway I was very busy and turned to get a fork out of the drawer and although she was sitting on the counter it didn't really register in my brain - I pushed the drawer closed with my hip and ........ with an almighty shriek and yeowl of pain and fright she launched herself at me because her tail got smooshed in the drawer. Oh my word so much drama, I felt SO bad for hurting her, she is such a gentle, unobtrusive little soul. I, however did not fare quite as well my tummy got the back feet and my left hand got gouged as she fought me off, thank goodness she doesn't bare a grudge and still loves me, on the plus side the biscuits are absolutely delicious especially after I drizzled dark chocolate over one side. As I am waiting to get more T-yarn I decided to repurpose a jersey I made Jelly Bean years ago and which she barely wore, it was a weird pattern, so we unraveled it and rolled it into big balls and this week I began making her a loose, comfy shrug type of jersey, the thing I'm getting used to is because it is double knit it takes a LOT longer to grow as opposed to knitting with thick T-yarn 😂 

The family are well, Princess finished writing her exams and also had a surprise visit on Friday when her boyfriend flew in for the weekend. BabyBear also finished the first half of the course she is doing and they went away for the weekend as well to unwind and relax. Everyone else is well and working hard. Yesterday Poppet and Princess came over for Father's Day lunch and brought so much pudding with them, we had a wonderful lazy afternoon and for the first time in more than a month they did not have to rush off for studying or school projects. 

We have a somewhat busier week ahead of us with two trips into Somerset West for me for Doctors visit and another test, such fun , notttt. I will be looking to the horizon all week for those cold fronts, be assured. Folks, I wish you all a wonderful week, please stay safe and well. Ciao Ciao 

Charlie getting a cuddle from Jelly Bean while we were chatting

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