Monday 14 June 2021

Fun and surprises

Greetings everyone from a summery Betty's Bay, someone stole our winter and I for one am very upset about it . For the last week and a bit we have had anything but winter -warm to just plain hot days and most nights as well, to the point that we've been wearing sleeveless tops and sandals, even summer pj's 🤷🏻‍♀️. I put out a plea earlier on the week for the thief to return our winter, but so far no response, maybe I should offer a reward ??? Well, just for a change it was quite a busy and definitely interesting week from the get go. Charlie's new special sling arrived on Monday as promised and I gave it a trial run whilst hanging up the washing, halfway through I transferred him to Jelly Bean and he was as happy as could be, in fact when we came in he didn't want to get out and continued to sit in the sling on Jelly Bean's Lap. Today we are going into Kleinmond and he will have an opportunity to show it off and 'advertise' it, I am still blown away by the generosity of this gift from a complete stranger, may the Lord bless the work of her hands and her business. On Tuesday we were all off to Somerset West to get a few things and I had an apppointment with a new doctor who will be treating me for everything from here on, she is fantastic and more thorough than I've experienced in more than six years. She called for a full blood work up which resulted in me having to go into Kleinmond early the next day for a total of 27 different tests, thank goodness not 27 bottles of blood 😂 , the Sister managed to get away with 8 bottles and I have to have one more test done today. After the Doctor we visited the girls and had the most wonderful dinner and pudding, Poppet really outdid herself and it was so good to see them after two weeks of Princess studying flat out. She will be finished mid year exms at the end of this week and has truly put her heart and soul into studying, well done my angel I am very proud of you. As soon as I could I began my pouf/ottoman and also remade the inner covers for both after buying a stronger darker fabric. Mine was completed on Friday and I filled it yesterday with great delight, they have given me a huge amount of satisfaction and enjoyment in the making. Yesterday I began a plant basket for Poppet out of the same T-yarn and was doing fine until I ran out 😔. This I am crocheting and learnt some new skills in doing so, I've never read a crochet pattern before (always worked out of my head) - now I can read one and have learnt how to make a magic hole, join two ends together and a couple of other things, yaaay me. I'm looking forward to getting more yarn and completing her basket before doing a recover on our old cube ottomans. On Saturday for the first time since 2016 we were privileged to share Princess' birthday and even more blessed because she turned 18, I truly have no clue how she grew up so fast. One minute I was watching her take her first breath and now she is this gorgeous, confident, intelligent, brave, funny young lady - it truly has been awesome watching her grow up and I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for her in the coming years, and it has to be said - Congratulations to Poppet in raising such a beautiful young women, you've done an amazing job and are a really special Mom my angel. For the birthday celebration we went to Vergelegen Wine Farm where we had a fantastic meal, lots of laughs and stories - all that was needed to make it 110% perfect was if Big Guy, BabyBear, Miss Muffet and her family had been there with us, we missed you all. The rest of the family are all doing well and are healthy which is the most important thing. Like other families during CoVid, there have been some major challenges within the family especially on the business front and I give God all the glory for having a family who know how to stand in faith against every wind of adversity and trust Him to turn every situation around #neverstoppraying. Dear old Max our yorkie, with the emphasis on old, is really starting to lose his marbles we are quite sure his vision is very minimal these days and his bark has changed as well hehe. When the other dogs are barking at something he will stand on the deck staring at the glass door and howl/bark, he has no clue what they are fussing about but absolutely has to join in. He will ask to come inside and then two minutes later will be standing at the door to go out, a very confused little boy. The only time he gets extremely vocal and over excited is at mealtimes when he springs around like a baby goat with all kinds of grunts and yips, currently we just enjoy every day he has with us. Folks, that's about all the important news of the week, I am truly praying for a cooler week and looking forward to re-stocking my T-yarn supply as soon as possible. From my family to yours we wish you a wonderful week, please stay safe and healthy. Ciao ciao. 18th Birthday Celebrations.
Charlie in his sling.

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