Monday 19 April 2021

Praying for Cape Town

Good morning everyone, can you believe we are halfway through April already? Where does the time go?
Weather wise we are in that period of time in the Cape where we have some absolutely perfect days, yesterday was one of those, no wind and just everything calm and still until sadly a fire started on Devils Peak in Cape Town and has wrought so much destruction to historical buildings and monuments, including the University of Cape Town. Overnight the wind has escalated which is causing even more problems as the fire spreads towards the city and in some places precautionary evacuations are taking place. Please join with us in prayer that the hundreds of firefighters can get this fire under control quickly and with no loss of life. Last week we had some very strong winds reaching a peak on Thursday / Friday. On Friday Jelly Bean and I discovered that our rain gauge has disappeared, probably blown into distant gardens, we found a cardboard box as well as part of the insulated piping from the solar panels lying behind the house. After these kinds of winds it is interesting to see whose items have relocated in the Village, in the past we've had people requesting owners to collect - a plastic pool, a JoJo water tank, a plastic shell pool, roof sheeting to name just a few, hehe.

 After all the busyness of last week this week was the exact opposite. Once I had collected Jelly Bean on Monday we never left the house until yesterday 😁. As always I had things needing to be done in the house, Hubby was full time getting clocks and watches cleared as well as completing an order for Embroidery Stands. Health wise it was a difficult week - on top of the 'normal' fibro things I had 3 or 4 strange bites, we have no clue what bit me, as well as some kind of bladder infection. Because of this I was relatively quiet until Thursday when I managed to steal my Hubby's time and strength to strip down the cat stand. My hands have been itching to get hold of it and once he had stripped the base off I was able to recover the platforms with faux fur, it is jolly hard work wielding one of those big furniture staple guns hehehe. On Saturday he recovered the base with new carpeting and we put base and stand back together. That's where my wheels fell off ........ the covering I had worked on for the upright pillars just doesn't look right, I think it is too dark 🤔 . I am going to look and live with it for a few days before making a decision ho hum and here I was wanting to put pics up on today's post. 

 Yesterday we drove through to the girls and had a magnificent braai and time together, so much catching up and eating, I am full for the week hehe. On the drive in as soon as we came over the hill in Rooi Els we could see that there was obviously a big fire on Devils Peak, see pic. Looking out into the Bay it was like a painting, the water was as still as glass and yet again I find myself frustrated at the way a photo cannot do justice to all the colours and nuances of this incredible ocean. We have seen more marine life this year than in the last four years collectively. Now that we know what to look for - we saw pods of Dolohin feeding in both small and big groups, I am convinced that I saw a shark just swimming along, no doubt looking for lunch. Even on the way home we saw a huge pod but due to the fact that half of the Western Cape was out there were no spaces left in the safe pull over areas. I stand corrected but I think there are something like 34 paved, pull over parking areas between Gordon's Bay and Rooi Els. 

 The family are all busy as usual and in general doing well, there have been and still are so many challenges in the work place since CoVid started and it has affected them all in varying degrees. All I can do as a mom is to be 'here', to listen and to pray. I so wish I could just click my fingers and cause miracles to happen as I am sure every other mother wishes. As for my plans for this week, apart from looking at the cat stand and making the right decision LOL I have thus far made no plans. I am seriously praying for a quiet week, where I can perhaps bake a cake, potter around the house and kitchen and do some reading, I have a really good book 😉. Folks that is my news in a nutshell for this week, I wish you all a really good week. May all your dealings be prosperous, may favour go before you and please stay safe and well. Ciao Ciao .

 Pics I took yesterday coming over Rooi Els looking across the Bay to Cape Town, the fire can be seen over the mountain.

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