Monday 28 September 2020

Always interesting!

Good morning one and all, can you believe we are in the last week of September? Good grief it has been a long year and yet in some ways it still feels like April. I am going through a case of the 'missing my family' - it feels like a decade since I last saw Big Guy, Poppet and Princess, I can only thank the Lord that we have been able to see the 'Bears' or I might literally have exploded. We were also scheduled to see Miss Muffet and her family in August which was also cancelled, it is just as well that our lives are beyond busy. Speaking of which we had a pretty good week, both Hubby and I managed to catch up on a lot of small chores and repairs in and around the house that have been filling up the blackboard for ages, clearing the backlog so to speak which is a very nice feeling. We are going into this week feeling a bit freer and it is my intention to contact some more possible retailers about our Stands as well as sending out pics of the Big Stand to our existing customers. I even managed to find someone who made us a gorgeous Dragonfly stamp which we will then put onto every stand - woohooo. We had the 'Happy Hackers' back on Wednesday and they finished cutting down all the alien growth on the plot next to us. Where once I was a bit sad about all the greenery being gone, now we can see the little vlei which has developed there the view now is beyond special. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about how I could hear the geese splashing in the water next door, well now I can actually see them if I'm outside or standing at the kitchen window (see the video below). What a treat to see them and hear all the frogs etc, in fact the house directly behind the vlei even had their chairs out there last week, sheer bliss. We seem to have a pattern with the weather at the moment which is, lovely balmy days, cold nights and wet weekends. I can handle anything but the heat. After some really wonderful days a couple of cold fronts started rolling in on Friday and yesterday was clear and sunny but still cool which, given there is snow on some of the mountains again is to be expected. Last week one of Hubby's watch clients brought in some bracelets which needed fixing and a calculator which needed a new battery. Whilst talking she saw Charlie and mentioned that she had seen him and Sasha running down the road on the Friday before. On that day we were out in Hermanus sending off stands and now I know what that little rascal does when I go out. He finds a weak spot in the fence and chews a hole which then enables him to run off looking for Mom. The moment I pick him up prior to opening and closing the gate he starts crying and whimpering 😭. How to feel like a bad pet parent, all I can be grateful for is that he at least came back. Once again, Hubby has done further fence repairs and I had a metal tag made for Charlie's collar with his name and my number on it, he is chipped as well, but the disc is very visible 🤦🏻‍♀️🐩. While I am on the pet topic - one of last week's tasks was cutting the grass which was very long. Our neighbour had asked us to keep the cuttings for him to use as mulch, so Hubby had all the bags lined up along the fence and someone/something had torn one open (perhaps a mongoose? Haha ) obviously Sasha and Charlie just had to get into them, it was very wet when he went out first thing in the morning and when he is let back in his first thing is to take a flying leap onto me in bed. Well ..... he leapt and as he landed, in those split seconds I saw what a state he was in and managed to catch him with one hand and hold him off the bedding. We had to get a towel to dry him off and clean him as he was covered in grass and weeds and anything else that once was growing, he was more green than white oh my, he brings so much joy and laughter and really does keep me on my toes. On Saturday the jewellary was collected and paid for and Hubby dearest left a R100 not on the kist, a little while later we watched as Charlie stood up on his hind feet to investigate, grabbed the note and was on his way to the couch which is his storage place for all things precious. We managed to rescue the R100 before any damage was done haha. A wee bit of extra news which has been all over social media is that there was an earthquake of approximately 6.2 happened 1600m off the Cape coast on Saturday evening which thankfully did not cause any damage, but was felt in all of Cape Towns northern suburbs as far afield as Malmsbury. Apparently there was a very small quake later on, along with the after shock tremors, we never felt a thing 😬, but all of yesterday were kept apprised of the situation and also to expect lower tides than normal, I would have thought they would be higher but then what do I know 😀. For the rest everyone is well, the girls' application on their absolutely gorgeous new home rental was approved and the removal truck booked so it's a go on all fronts for their big 'trek'. Big Guy has been super busy with site visits and working hard and the Bears are well and as always busy, busy, busy. Folks that is it from my side, I am going to keep an eye on the geese 😍, keep on quilting (about to finish square number 21), marketing our stands AND I want to paint over some slate looking tiles in our bathroom as another step in my 'bedroom makeover' - it should be fun. Have a truly wonderful week folks, please stay safe and keep wearing your masks. With love from all in BB Ciao Ciao. Our little vlei next door - please put your sound up to hear all the frogs in chorus.

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