Monday 16 December 2019

Tis the week before Christmas

Good morning one and all, in our house the count down has started as Princess lets us know every day how many more days we have left to Christmas.  This truly has been one of the strangest years, in one sense I wonder where on earth it has gone and in the other, it feels like it has been never ending hmmmm I wonder if it is just me ?

This past week was fairly normal with some days of hectic activity and other days of pure holiday mode but possibly a little frustrating for the Princess.  It was either blowing a gale, raining or so hot no one could venture out but she did manage to get in one brief beach session with Grandpa and a couple of sneaky tanning sessions on the deck. She also learnt to make Granny's rusks on Saturday and wow are they tasty, well done precious.  Happily BabyBear is now home for the holidays and some much needed time with her hubby.  Big Guy is waiting to hear back from an interview he did and in the meanwhile I think I can safely say has adjusted back into normal life and thoroughly enjoying it.  Poppet is busy winding up her 'work year'  and preparing for her holiday, she flys down on Friday afternoon to join us ..... See you soon angel.
My dear Hubby is actually busy working on my late Dad's watch, which I eventually found a little while back after 'losing' it in my kist #facepalm.  It is just over 60 years old and is still one of the mechanical wind up watches, I can't wait for it to be working so I can wear it again.
Princess and I were talking last night  about all the animals that are neglected in general, but especially over the holiday time, we have noticed that our little Village has become extremely busy over the weekend and the amount of dogs barking and carrying on is absolutely ridiculous.  I understand that it is  expensive to get a pet sitter or put them in a decent pet facility but, bringing them on holiday and then leaving them alone in a strange yard all day isn't fair to them or the those in the area.  From there the conversation developed further to the heartbreak of those just left alone, thrown away, or taken to the SPCA.  Something I have made a point of doing especially as I've grown older is to adopt a rescue when looking for a pet, but there are also so many ways of making a difference in an animals life, you may not be able to save them all, but you certainly can make a difference one by one.  So many of the animal shelters are delighted if you take the time to go in to play with the animals, take dogs for a walk and just generally spend time with them.  Princess has a VERY soft heart for all animals and would rescue them ALL if given half a chance.  Our plea to you all is please look after your fur babies, if you are going away please ensure that they are properly and adequately looked after, check up on them while you are away.  If you see an animal in distress please contact the relevant authorities and do your bit to make sure the animal is safe.  I could really get on my soapbox with this topic - extending it to littering, the use of plastic etc, but, I will refrain for now.  Please folks we are have been given the responsibility for this planet and for the pets we so eagerly buy then cast aside...... It's time that each one of us steps up to the plate and does our bit, however small it may seem to you.  If every person on this planet stopped littering and picked up just one piece of litter every day can you imagine the overall impact ?

Off the soap box !!!!  I wish you all a very blessed week, for those in SA enjoy the Public Holiday  today, please, please stay safe, watch your little ones especially at the beach and around water and be careful on the roads.  ( It has been a very tragic start to the festive season down here, so much of which could have easily been avoided ). It's love from my family to yours Ciao Ciao for now. 

Jasper nose to tail in chill mode.