Monday 9 December 2019

Puppy farms and a special visitor

Good morning good morning folks and now we find ourselves in December and at last we have our Princess here with us.  She arrived on Wednesday evening and it is just wonderful to have her here with us.  At this point we haven't been to the beach yet as, apart from an unbelievably hot day where no one ventured outdoors the wind has been in its element and hasn't stopped.  We are currently also experiencing Load Shedding which can become very tiresome to put it mildly.   Today we are planning to go into Pringle Bay for a cup of coffee before she gets 'cabin fever'.

Last week was one of those crazy busy weeks, BUT, I can say I have done everything I needed to get done and am finished with all my Christmas shopping, whoop whoop.  As I mentioned last week we went to chat to a lady who breeds Toy Poodles and that visit turned out to be very enlightening, I learnt a LOT.  She had a poodle that she 'offered' to sell us as she had finished breeding with him, I am no expert but even I could see that he was not well bred, his teeth were badly aligned and she 'brushed' me off when I asked about it.  It turns out she is actually not an ethical breeder and well known for this in the Western Cape.  Folks please be careful when buying dogs from breeders who are just short of being puppy farms.   She invited us for the chat when I told her I was looking for a rescue dog then tried to sell us her dog and got upset when I said I wasn't buying a dog for the price she was asking.  I am now part of the Poodle Rescue Group and in time will get my little companion dog from them as a rescue.

Apart from that interesting adventure we managed to finish all our gift shopping, getting the house ready (annual year end clean), got the dogs groomed and bless their hearts they both came home sporting little bandanas and looking very proud of themselves.  They will both be wearing them on Christmas Day to celebrate.  The family are all well and busy winding up their year, I believe that everyone is truly glad this year is almost over and looking forward to relaxing over the holidays before a fresh start in 2020.  
Yesterday my precious Hubby went off to Stellenbosch to play golf with a friend and even whilst he was gone I had someone coming to collect a clock, he is now known as the Betty's Bay Clock Man, and has quite a collection of various sizes up to a Grand Father Clock in different states of repair or awaiting collection - his garage is an interesting place I can tell you.

Please continue to pray for those people who are struggling in various areas, family, health, finances etc.  You may not know who they are by name but our Heavenly Father knows  exactly who is who and what each person's needs are.  I seem to have come across so many in the last couple of weeks and praying is the only way I can be of any help especially from a distance.  I wish you all a very special week folks, please stay safe and be especially observant of your children and where they are over the holidays. Ciao ciao.

Princess & Zeepha after 2.5h of load shedding and the boredom level was at its peak. Zeepha spent half the time running up and down the back or the wardrobe #facepalm

It is exhausting being so cute

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