Monday 30 December 2019

Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020

Good morning friends and family on this my last Blog for 2019, a year that I know many of you will be sincerely glad to see the end of.  For some reason 2019 would appears to have been an extremely difficult year in one way or another for almost everyone I know.  The fact that we are still here and pushing onward is a testimony to the Grace of our Lord and an inner strength you may not have been aware that you had previously.  

For us the year began with the apocalyptic fire storm that ravaged our beautiful village and the mountains all around us, health issues - the rare kind of animal ringworm infection I caught from Zeepha which led to a difficult year in general health wise.  There have been many ups and downs which are unique to each individual and/or family, many losses BUT the most important thing to do is close off 2019 having learnt what we can from it and move forward into 2020 with a positive mind set and treasuring all the good things that did happen.  For every negative story you can tell about this past year I know there are  numerous positive stories about Gods goodness, His faithfulness and Grace which has brought you to today. A tough year ? You bet.  Did we see good things come from it ? More than I can count, and that is what I choose to take with me into the New Year and the decade ahead of us.  Personally I am excited to see what God has in store for my family and I because He has never, ever failed us, not for one moment. Things have happened that I will never know why, this side of heaven, but looking back through every experience I can see what I have learnt and how I have grown.  May we take all that experience and learning into this new decade and make a difference to those around us and to our planet.
Whilst talking about 2020 I saw something yesterday which bears sharing and taking note of - when signing documents etc this coming year be sure to fill in the entire year eg.  1/01/2020, don't leave off the 20 because if you have 1/01/20 anyone can add additional numbers on the end which would render the document nul and void.

Apart from have a very quiet Christmas with just the girls we had a quiet week as Princess was not at all well, in the almost four weeks here with us, she has been to the beach exactly once.  Not at all like my Princess but thankfully it appears that she has turned the corner and on her way to feeling much better, even though we still do not know exactly what was the problem.  On Friday Poppet, Jelly Bean and I went into the hairdresser where Poppet got to change the colour of her hair and after months of me trying to go lighter, I caved and am back to my natural birth colour HEHEHE - natural colour would be grey #facepalm.

In closing I would like to thank each and every person who takes the time to read my Blog and thereby share in my crazy life, your encouragement and continued support means more than I can say.  Together with Hubby and Jelly Bean, I wish you a wonderful New Year,  please  be vigilant over the next few days, my prayer is that 2020 will be kind to you and will be a year of blessing, provision, peace and good health.  Happy New Year friends and family, stay safe.  Ciao ciao.  

It is a new day, a new year and a new decade how can we make it better?

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